Attendance & Absences

To report an absence or to speak to the Attendance Secretary:

  1. Dial the school phone number 619-690-5880 and press 380110 or text her at 619-880-9420
  2. State the student’s name, teacher, and reason for absence with the Attendance/Health secretary, Ms. Trini Nicasio.
  3. You can also report absences to Ms. Trini’s email at: [email protected]


Every student needs to be on time and prepared to work when school starts each day at 8:30am, TK - K and 8:45am, 1st - 6th grade. The beginning of the school day sets the tone for the rest of the day. Students who are late to school miss out on important classroom instruction. Parents are asked to understand and reinforce the importance of being on time to school. Tardies greater than 30 minutes after the school day start are considered truancies and affect your child’s record. Students are recognized for perfect attendance on a quarterly basis. Perfect attendance is defined as no absences or tardies of any kind. Classrooms are recognized for best attendance each week and monthly as well.

COVID-19 Guidance Update

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and SDCOE have updated the COVID-19 guidance. The updated guidance will allow individuals to follow a more symptom-based approach than usual for other illnesses. Students who are symptomatic and test positive should stay home when symptoms appear. They may return to school when they are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications and other non-fever symptoms are mild and improving. If they test positive and are asymptomatic, they may continue to attend school. All students who test positive should wear a mask indoors through day 10 (day zero is date of symptom onset or date of positive test collection).