Rules & Expectations |
Classrooms |
Cafeteria |
Assembly |
Outdoor Recess |
Bus |
Hallways |
Bathroom |
Library |
Responsibility |
Follow directions and class routines.
Do quality work.
Be ready to learn. |
Wait your turn in line.
Make healthy choices.
Use quiet voices.
Clean up your area |
Remain quiet during performance
Applaud when appropriate and always be courteous.
Stay focused on presentation |
Follow playground rules.
Freeze when you hear the bull horn.
Put away equipment at the end of recess. |
ollow the bus driver's directions.
Keep your belongings in your bag.
Use quiet voices. |
Go directly to your destination.
Use quiet voices.
Safely distance. |
Flush and wash your hands.
Return to class promptly. |
Listen and follow directions of all adults.
Keep library organized. |
Integrity |
Be honest and do your best.
Make good choices even when no one is watching. |
Only take your card.
Once you're in line stay in that order.
Only five at a time. |
Sit in assigned area with your class.
Participate appropriately. |
Show good sportsmanship.
Play fairly.
Stop, think and make good choices. |
Keep the bus clean.
Wait your turn to enter and exit the bus. |
Make good choices even when no one is watching.
Keep walls and floors clean. |
Use bathroom equipment and materials properly.
Report restroom problems. |
Return books on time.
Choose books at your reading level.
Handle books properly. |
Safety |
Follow classroom rules.
Use materials appropriately.
Keep hands and feet to yourself. |
Keep hands and feet to yourself.
Eat your own food. |
Enter and exit quietly with your class.
Follow all adult instructions.
Keep hands and feet still. |
Use equipment as intended.
Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
Walk to your class line. |
Stay seated and face forward.
Keep the aisles clear.
Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. |
Use quiet walking feet.
Stay to the right side.
Keep hands and feet to yourself.
Report unsafe behavior to an adult. |
Wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds.
Keep floors dry. |
Always walk.
Honor personal space.
Keep hands and feet to yourself. |
Empathy |
Seek first to understand and then to be understood.
Accept, appreciate and respect everyone. |
Say please and thank you.
Listen and follow directions of all supervisors. |
Use whole body listening.
Think about how your works and actions affect others. |
Be inclusive.
Seek first to understand then to be understood. |
Say please and thank you to the bus driver.
Use appropriate language. |
Stop and help others if they need help.
Be a positive role model. |
Remember others are waiting.
Give others privacy when using restrooms. |
Greet the librarian politely.
Raise your hand and patiently wait your turn.
Share materials. |