San Diego Youth Symphony

We are incredibly honored to announce our partnership with the San Diego Youth Symphony.

  • Orchestra classes are currently only available for 4th-6th grade, we are working on adding more availability for our younger ones.
  • Students must be picked up promptly after Orchestra is over for the day
  • For more information contact Edda Martin at [email protected] 


The YMCA provides an after school STRETCH program free of cost at our school site. Parents interested in this program must enroll through the YMCA STRETCH Site Supervisor ([email protected] or 619-730-8038), All STRETCH applications will be reviewed by STRETCH staff and school personnel. Each STRETCH program has a maximum number of students that they are able to serve.

First priority shall go to pupils who are identified by the program as homeless youth, as defined by the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. 11434a), at the time that they apply for enrollment or at any time during the school year, and to pupils who are identified by the program as being in foster care. Next, students will be enrolled based on the rating system detailed below, first come first serve basis, and up to the capacity for each school's program. If the program receives more applications than spaces available, first priority for participation will be given to applications with the most points. Once the STRETCH program has reached its capacity, students not accepted for participation will be placed on a wait list, in the same order of priority, and will be accepted as space becomes available.

This program operates immediately after school until 6:00 pm daily. However, this program does not operate when schools are closed, including intercessions, vacations and holidays.